The time has finally arrived. It is that wonderful Christmas / New Year school break. The beginning is difficult since it is a time of preparing the presents, inviting the extended family to dinner, buying and decorating the tree as well as trying to find time to check on your own sanity. It is a fun time but a stressful time indeed. For sure the kids are excited! You may even have some concerns as your homeschooled children interact with the rest of the family. Overall it is a good time.

Another important aspect of this period is that it tends to be a time of reflection on your progress as a homeschool family. This should be a time where you and your spouse take the time and review what has happened in the last three to four months. This should not be an overly critical assessment, but it needs to be an honest one. Take the whole picture and compare it to the vision you had at the beginning of the school year. Are your goals being met and are you on track to complete the school year as planned? Some areas that need to be addressed should include but not limited to the following:

How is your attitude?
Yes, this is very important! Don't forget, if your attitude is slipping, so will your relationships with your family and the effectiveness of your teaching ability. It is critically important that if your attitude is not where it should be that it must be the top priority. It may require just a small adjustment to insure that the attitude stays positive and productive. Your homeschool success depends on it.

How is the attitude of your spouse?
Do not underestimate the attitude of your main supporter. Is your spouse excited about what is being accomplished and how the process is being executed? Are you communicating on a regular basis so both are up to date on the progress? Are you going on your date nights? Do not underestimate the importance of your spouse. Your homeschool success depends on it.

How are the attitudes of your children?
How are your children doing? Are they excited to be part of your educational journey? Do they look forward to the day or do they hate every moment? Are they actually learning and retaining the information they are receiving? Are you as a family enjoying the homeschool lifestyle? Don't forget that the smallest change in this area can make the difference between success and failure. You must discover the style that is best for your children to accomplish the goals you have set. Your homeschool success depends on it.

As with any business or personal plan you must take time to analyze your progress. Pull out the course of study to see if it is still a viable journey. Check out the progress and see where some changes can be implemented. As mentioned earlier, the smallest change in attitude or procedure can make a tremendous difference in the outcome. This is also a good time to revisit your reasons to homeschool. So often we get caught up in the journey we forget the reason for the journey. In many cases your reason (vision) for homeschooling has matured and you can adjust to the new objective or intent.

As you enter the New Year, determine to enjoy and profit educationally from the lifestyle of homeschooling. If there are areas that are not satisfying, look for ways to improve. Find out what others have done or call us for ideas. That's why we are here. Happy New Year!