Greenleaf Guide to Old Testament History

Greenleaf Guide to Old Testament History

Code: GGT_Old_Testament



Product Description

by Cindy Shearer and Rob Shearer

This book outlines a program which will take you through the history of Israel by reading through the historical books, Genesis to Nehemiah,chronologically. The Old Testament's history of Israel is divided into 196 Bible readings (approximately 1 chapter each). Along with each reading assignment are suggestions on how to cover the material and keep it interesting. For each reading there is a series of questions to help you focus on the significant details. There are also background notes, and suggestions for further study.

This book wont answer all your questions, but it will give you a well thought out program of reading and studying the ancient history of Israel. The book can be used as a first history course for the early elementary grades, but it is equally suitable for use with high school students. Suggestions are given for supplemental materials for varying grade levels. The companion background for the study of ancient Egypt is included in The Greenleaf Guide to Ancient Egypt. "The Old Testament is the perfect place to start teaching history since it truly starts at the beginning.Many of us shy away from such a study because of the difficulties we might encounter, but the Shearers have made it much easier with this guide." - Cathy Duffy

One of Cathy Duffy's "Top 100 Picks for Homeschool Curriculum."

ISBN: 1882514122
Format: Paperback