Tales and Treasures of the California Gold Rush

Tales and Treasures of the California Gold Rush




Product Description


by Randall A. Reinstedt

This book tells the saga of the California Gold Rush through scores of fascinating stories and anecdotes. All the essentials are here: how the rush for gold began; where the gold seekers came from; how they lived, worked, brawled, and played; and how they changed the course of California history. But readers will also discover a rich store of tales about personalities both famous and little-known: Francisco Lopez, astonished to find bits of gold clinging to the roots of wild onions; Sam Brannan, spreading the news of the gold discovery to bring customers to his store; and notorious outlaws like Joaquin Murrieta and Black Bart, to name just a few. These stories, and many more, paint a vivid picture of one of the most colorful and significant episodes in California history.

112 pages
Softcover $10.95

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