Daily Grams: Grade 4 Teacher Text

Daily Grams: Grade 4 Teacher Text

Code: DGT4



Product Description

by Wanda Phillips

Daily Grams is designed to give the student 180 daily 10 minute lessons to review the basics of grammar and punctuation.

Each page presents the following:

1. Sentence #1 always contains a capitalization exercise.
2. Sentence #2 gives students punctuation practice. You may want students to write this sentence, adding proper punctuation.
3. Sentence #3 and 4 review general concepts. You may wish to replace one of these items with materials you are currently studying, especially if the concept provided has not yet been introduced.
4. Sentence #5 is always sentence combining. Using sentences given, students will write a more intricate sentence. This helps students to develop higher levels of writing. If you feel that the sentences given are too difficult, delete parts or replace them.

Note that the student pages are reproducible so you only need this teacher text if you are using it for one student. The answers are in the back of the book.

ISBN 978-0-936981-338