Handwriting by George, Volume 2

Handwriting by George, Volume 2

Code: Handwriting_by_George_V2



Product Description

by Greenleaf Press

Some years ago, the Shearer children were practicing their handwriting in their handwriting workbooks the kind with the nicely spaced ruled lines to help in keeping the letters equally sized but were finding the standard sentences more than a bit boring. Cyndy had just run across a reprint of one of George Washingtons own schoolbooks. When he was sixteen, he had begun copying maxims for polite behavior into his schoolbooks. The rules described the behavior of a gentleman, and many claim that they greatly influenced Washingtons attitudes and standards for his own behavior.

Cyndy and the children found that they were having some very interesting discussions based on Washingtons maxims. Show nothing to your friend that might affright him kicked off a discussion about no tormenting guests with scary insects, etc.

Other rules address issues involving putting others first and self last and other ways to show respect to those around us.

Each volume is printed on 8x10 ruled sheets with space to copy each rule at least once, and often 2 or 3 times. There is also a framed space on the facing page where children are encouraged to draw their own illustration for the rule. Drawing time makes a nice break from handwriting practice!

ISBN: 1882514378
ISBN 13:978-1882514373

Format: Paperback