Tell Tale Fairy Tales

Tell Tale Fairy Tales

Code: TTFT



Product Description

A picture is worth a thousand words; imagine the possibilities with 120 inspiring images! Cards featuring classic fairy tale characters like knights and princesses, settings like a castle and forest, and fantastic creatures such as unicorns and dragons, will inspire players to create their own unique tales.

There are four different ways to play Tell Tale Fairy Tales. For example, in  Round N Round  players cooperate to develop a communal tale and in Storyboard, players invent their story individually.

Featuring imagery associated with the beloved tradition of classic fairy tales, the little tin of cards will revolutionize story time.

To tell a new personalized bedtime story each night, parents can improvise a tale based on 10 cards selected by the child. No matter how you play it, the wonderful illustrations and library of images will whisk you away to another time and place in just a few words.

Skills developed in this game:
Tell Tale Fairy Tales is excellent for literary development and language skills. It also fosters creativity and is a terrific way to bond between parent and child.

Game facts: Ages: 5 to Adult 1 to 8 players 

  • Language
  • Listening
  • Creativity
  • Self-expression
Play Time: 20 minutes

 60 Enchanting Cards
 Illustrated rules