The "Uncle Eric" series of books is written by Richard Maybury for young and old alike. Using the epistolary style of writing (using letters to tell a story), Mr. Maybury plays the part of an economist writing a series of letters to his niece or nephew. Using stories and examples, he gives interesting and clear explanations of topics that are generally thought to be too difficult for anyone but experts. The series is called "Uncle Eric's Model of How the World Works". Each book in the series attempt to be consistent with the principles of America's Founders. The books can be read in any order, and have been written to stand alone. To get the most from each one, however, they should be read in a specific order. The order is listed below in the description by indicating the book number. Book number one should be read before book number two and so forth. Reading level age 12 and up.
The first book of the series, Uncle Eric introduces the reader to his model as well as discussing the standards of proof. This book becomes the foundation for the rest of the series. After you read this book you will have an understanding of his thought process which will enable you to achieve maximum comprehension of the remainder of the series. (44 pages) ISBN-10: 0-942617-38-X BSP
List Price: $14.95
Our Price: $13.50
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