Product Description
The fourth book in the Life of Fred Elementary Series; the second book of first-grade material.
Life of Fred: Dogs is intended for 5-7 year old students and can be read aloud and enjoyed together with your child. Life of Fred math books are unique. They present all the operations of mathematics through practical applications from the life of Fred, a five year old prodigy who teaches mathematics at KITTENS University somewhere in Kansas. Through the hilarious adventures of this diminutive professor, your child will learn not just how to "do" math but how to USE math. In other words, Fred teaches math mainly with very amusing "word problems." Instead of pages and pages of drill, Fred teaches by use and practical example. Even the problem sets are fun and are called: "Your Turn to Play."
Life of Fred books are not consumable and have a sturdy hard cover binding, allowing them to be passed from one child to another for many years.
For many children, Life of Fred will meet their math needs as they are quite comprehensive and teach the concepts well. There is quite a bit of review as well. However, some children will need extra help using manipulatives, games or other practice materials to thoroughly master the concepts. This is not due to any deficiency with Fred's teaching, but rather a fact of life that children have different learning styles and some learn math concepts faster or more easily than others.
One Million, Our Place in the Dance of Life, π, the Game of Doubles, Fortnight, Digits in a Number, Two Dimes = 20 Cents, New Words in English, Anachronism, Middle English, Old English, Doubling 1 ➔ 2 ➔ 4 ➔ up to 1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376 (which is 100 doubles), 7 - z = 4, Making Choices in Life, Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe, Morse Code from AZ, Functions, the Function Party Game, One Billion, Finding Patterns, What Can Cause Unclear Thinking, Rhyme Schemes, Tennysons In Memoriam, Eyes Adjusting to Bright Light, Consecutive Even Numbers, ATM Cards, Numbers that Add to 15, Guessing Functions, Right Angles, Rectangles, Constant Functions, Buying Books, One Day Without Reading, Sheet Music for Borrowed Books, Beautiful Handwriting, Numbers that Add to 17, Macronutrients, the Eight Planets, Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Different Ways to Pick Out a Book to Read, Bar Graphs, Different Jobs You Might Choose, Adopting a Dog, Idioms, Spendthrifts, Adding two- and three-digit numbers, Art in Advertising, Carrying the One in Addition, Female and Male, Apartment Leases, Isotopes of Hydrogen, the Chemical Elements, Dog Games.
ISBN: 978-0-9791072-7-6
128 pages
Carolyn's Comments: If you want your children to both enjoy and understand math, Life of Fred is a must. It is "laugh out loud" funny, yet quite comprehensive. I have never seen a math textbook that
introduces so many interesting topics. Although it is true that no one math approach suits every child, we have found few who didn't enjoy and learn from Fred.